3 Fat Loss Secrets Every Woman Should Know

If you're a woman who wishes to lose weight you need to read the following 3 fat loss secrets. These will help you go forward in an effective way toward achieving a quick, lasting, and effective weight loss. If you don't have these secrets, you may find yourself just as overweight a year from now as you are today.
These secrets deal with some of the things that women tend to do wrong when trying to lose weight. Often, these things backfire on them and lead to a slow weight loss or even a complete inability to shed pounds.
Fat Loss Secret #1 - Cardio Is Not the Only Answer
One of the biggest mistakes I see women make when they train to lose weight is that they focus almost completely on cardio workouts and fail to do any strength training. While you can lose weight with cardio alone as it does burn calories in an accelerated way, you'd get better results by incorporating some weight lifting into your routine as well.
The reason is that you'll be building lean muscle tissue which will boost your metabolism even when you're resting. Don't worry about bulking up. You can achieve a tremendous fat burning effect just by adding a small amount of extra muscle tissue. Most women will find it hard to bulk up and unless you're really trying to do so, it's unlikely to happen.
Fat Loss Secret #2 - You are not a bird
Eating like a bird isn't likely to deliver lasting results. I see women who dig into their salads as if they haven't eaten for days. They're starved out of their minds trying to cut down on their calories to lose weight. It's tragic and it's ineffective. Cutting your calories is important but it shouldn't force you to eat super low calorie things and avoid real food. It is much better to focus on boosting your metabolism than to undereat. It is also much easier to stick to a metabolism focused program than to a low calorie diet.
Fat Loss Secret #3 - You don't fail on a diet
One of the worse feelings is to go on a diet plan and to feel like you failed on it, to see that it doesn't work for you. But this is exactly the attitude that you need to have. You need to remember than you didn't fail on this diet, the diet didn't work for you.
A lot of women (and men too) fall prey to the feeling that they just can't lose weight, as if something is wrong with them. This is completely untrue. You can lose weight. It's all a matter of finding the right diet for you. You need something that fits your lifestyle, your body, and you personally. If a plan doesn't work, don't give up, just keep trying.
To find the perfect diet for you visit Best Diet Programs For Women
To see how women shed their baby fat quickly visit Fit Yummy Mummy Review
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4753380

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