How to Keep Up That Weight Loss Momentum

Let's say you set a goal for yourself to lose 20 pounds within six months. Well, the six month marker has arrived, and you did it! However, if those 20 pounds were just a milestone towards a bigger goal, you'll want to learn how to keep up that weight-loss momentum so you can slim down and get that healthy lifestyle you've always longed for!
Develop Independent Feedback. Yes, getting all of those compliments about how good you look will certainly provide you with fuel to diet and exercise, but if you really want to maintain your weight-loss momentum, you need to develop your own independent feedback. Give yourself a pat on the back each morning for being so successful, even when you've gained a pound. The more encouraging you are to yourself, the more likely it is that you'll keep up that weight-loss momentum.
Never Reach Your Destination. You might be asking yourself: "Aren't you supposed to have a final weight-loss goal"? However, many people make the mistake of stopping their health and fitness regimen once they drop the pounds, only to gain them all back all over again! Instead of looking at a single number as your ultimate goal, make weight-loss, or weight management, a continuing project to feel happy and healthy. That way you'll maintain your health and fitness regimen for life rather than for a couple of months.
Persistence Is Key. Of course, there are going to be days when you'd rather stay in bed than go out for that early morning run. This is where persistence is key! If you're not the self-motivating type, work out with a buddy who will hold you accountable for what you do. You'll be less likely to stay in bed if you know that someone's waiting for you - and it's a great way to keep up that weight-loss momentum!
Hameed Hemmat was able to lose 10 pounds in 10 days with enzyme therapy. To get more information on how you can lose weight permanently visit
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