3 Weight Loss Motivation Secrets

Weight loss success depends on motivation secrets. Without knowing weight loss tips or tricks, your weight loss program will suffer and you'll get frustrated. Here are 3 weight loss motivation secrets...
It's all about how the biggest results are often achieved after a period of struggling. But many people quit during the struggle, and never achieve success.
You might be able to relate - this is very true of fat loss, working out, and eating right.
After all, it's not too bad to get through the morning or even the early part of the afternoon without 'cheating' on your diet.
But late in the afternoon our diet becomes a struggle. And while sitting around after dinner it is practically impossible for some folks to resist the siren's call of the cookies and chips.
But those who make it through the struggle WIN. They end up eating fewer calories and losing fat for the day.
Same with our workouts.
The warmup is fine, and the first few sets are tough, but manageable.
But as we go on, some folks want to quit. But often it is the last set, the last rep, the last effort that gives us the most results.
If we didn't experience discomfort and fatigue - and make it through it all - we wouldn't change our bodies.
We have to get through what Seth calls, "the dip". As he says, "It is human nature to quit when it hurts."
And human nature is why you see more lard bodies than hard bodies.
The two worst things you can do when you are in "the dip" are...
a) Quit (that's obvious)
b) Jump from program to program (because each time you jump, you are starting over again - always give a program a full 4-week trial period to see if it really works for you)
If you can make it through the dip, you win.
But how do you beat the dip when the struggle is so hard?
By reminding yourself of how good life will be on the other side of the dip - how good things will be once you make it through the struggle.
You must remind yourself that you can get to a point where you'll prefer whole, natural foods over junk food; that you'll look forward to your workouts, rather than find any excuse to blow them off.
Here are 3 ways to overcome the fat loss dip.
1) You must have the right mindset. Change your opinion of yourself from quitter to winner. You need more than motivation, you need daily inspiration, and you can get this from other successful folks, so hang around people who are succeeding and read inspirational weight loss stories and motivation books as well...and always review your goals daily.
2) You must learn to stay strong. Learn to believe in yourself.
3) And get help from your social support. Surround yourself with others who are winners and who see the winner in you.
That is how you overcome the weight loss motivation secret dip and succeed.
Get your FREE Ab circuit workouts at Turbulence Training for Abs. And get a SAMPLE Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workout to help you burn fat.
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Ballantyne

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