Ideas About Fasting As a Natural Way How to Get Skinny

by Morten Olesen

If you are thinking of fasting as a ticket to weight loss, you might be on the right track since it results to immediate loss of weight. Many celebrities are using it to cleanse their systems. One such person is Beyonce Knowles who lost about twenty lbs. in ten days or about two weeks. She achieved this by using liquid alone. However, there are some things that you need to know before you start your journey towards this form of severe detoxification.

Your fast end-results will be greatly determined by the duration in which you take up this exercise. Longer durations are more likely to provide more drastic results. You should be aware that:

A fast of about 3 days is effective in cleansing the blood and detoxifying the body.

A fast of around five days repairs the body's immunity and begins the healing process.

A fast of about ten days is good at helping you in shedding off some weight as well as battling diseases.

Do you want to lose weight the natural way and maintain the new look? Then a fast of about ten days would be the most appropriate for you. Beyonce used a liquid which was a mixture of honey, lemon, water and some cayenne pepper for about 10 days. It worked for her though fasting for that long is not as easy as it sounds but here are some tips to lift some of the discomfort off your shoulders.

Try as much as possible to avoid headaches by not fasting on water only.

Before you start doing the 10-days fast, visit your physician for check-ups on whether it would be right for your health.

1:You should prepare your system for starvation by eating raw vegetables some days before beginning the fast.
2:You should take 8 ounce glasses of water that is distilled from steam and in addition 4 herbal tea servings on daily basis.
3:Intake of diluted juice is ideal. The mixing ratio of juice to water should be 1:3 respectively. This works towards minimizing the amount of calories taken over the fast period.
4:You should know that some juices are not recommended during this time as they are tough on an empty stomach. They are tomato or orange juices so avoid them as much as possible.
5:While at it, please do away with drinks that have additives such as sweeteners among others. A good example is cranberry cocktail.
6:The most recommended juices during fast sessions are beet, carrot, cabbage, grape, celery and apple juices.
7:Depending on whether you have some ulcer history or stomach upsets, you may add some cabbage juice to the mixtures.
8:Some products are good at aiding loss of fat and liver cleansing. They are herbal tea such as burdock chamomile, clover, milk, rose hips and dandelion. 
9:If the starvation becomes unbearable, then you can take a slice of watermelon fruit.
10:Do not take fiber supplement during the fast but before and after the process probably on daily basis.

Fasting is a great way how to get skinny approach which can also be a remedy to many other health problems such as heart disease, joint pain and lower back pain.

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