4 Cycle Fat Loss

by Jane Valentine

So if you really want to end rebound weight gain once and for all and your tired of suffering through restrictive crash diets that ruin your metabolism, your not alone.

Simply put, the 4 Cycle Solution will give you the flexibility to eat the foods that you love while strategically using carbs, and all your favorite cheat foods, as way to rapidly speed up your metabolic rate, preserve lean muscle tissue, and burn an INSANE amount of fat - all while giving you unstoppable energy.

And today youre going to uncover the research-proven Macro-Patterning tactics and results driven carb cycling meal plans that will melt ugly fat off your body WITHOUT making you feel like your missing out on all the fun things in life.

It all about the 4 proven cycles of fat loss.

Cycle 1:
7 Day Carb Depletion
This is by far the most powerful strategy of the 4 Cycle Solution because it reprograms and fixes your broken metabolism to teach it where fat stores are available for energy needs.

The 7 Day Depletion Cycle also serves several other essential metabolic purposes.

First, you learn exactly how to make fat your go to energy source.

Second, it by far the quickest way for you to drain the body of carbohydrate stores and/or muscle glycogen to achieve the fastest fat loss possible.

Third, it shuts off your body dependence on sugars, which further accelerates the break down of ugly fat.

Fourth, it helps you aggressively control and stabilize blood sugar for even more rapid fat loss.

Additionally - and most importantly - it actually sets up all your metabolic triggers and fat burning hormones for the carb cycling lifestyle.

Expect to lose anywhere between 5 and 15 pounds during this first 7 days.

Warning: Do not skip this cycle.

This jump start is essential for your success because it serves as the springboard that will move you through the next three cycles. And you look and feel a lot leaner in just the first few days.

Cycle 2:
This is where the rubber meets the road - and where your metabolism learns how to LOVE burning fat and carbs as fuel sources on a daily ongoing and reoccurring basis.

The first cycle is designed as a catalyst to make sure your metabolism is programmed and ready to go grab fat when we ask it to. And now that your body is already experiencing rapid fat loss, it time for Macro-Patterning.

It your official new way of living the fat burning lifestyle. You start using all the foods you love to help dramatically accelerate your fat loss and you finally crack the fat loss code once and for all. No more plateaus. No more metabolic slow down. No more suffering from adaptation.

You follow a simple turn-key system to manipulate macro nutrients (food) so you can automatically maintain a fat burning environment round the clock.

Cycle 3:
Accelerated Fat Loss
 Now that you've made the leap and you understand how easy it is to Macro-Pattern, it time to pick up the pace a little and manipulate your metabolism even further with the Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle.

Even though this may be your first time Macro-Patterning your body is smart - super smart - so it very good at adapting.

The Accelerated Fat Loss Cycle is the first nutrition cycle ever that specifically designed to overcome every type of adaptive response the body has to stop you from losing weight.

This tried and true meal plan will teach you how to easily control energy stores so you can stay on the fat loss fast track.

Cycle 4:
The Diet Break
 Now it time to put your fat loss on cruise control.

By this point you have overcame every adaptive response related to burning stubborn body fat and you know how easy it can be to force your body to use fat as your primary energy source.

Once you've moved through the first 3 cycles you have a completely different relationship with food and the way you approach eating for health and fat loss will be changed forever.

You stay lean for life while enjoying happy hour every Friday and uncover how to cheat your way through the weekend while maintaining (and sometimes even accelerating) the fat loss process.

Just think how awesome it would feel to wake up every Monday morning feeling leaner and lighter.

As you can see, the 4 Cycle Solution is a powerful fat loss formula that you can live with day after day, week after week, month after month to outsmart your metabolism and conquer diet plateaus once and for all.

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