Fastest Way To Lose Weight - Discover The Solution

Fastest Way To Lose Weight - Discover The Solution
Losing weight has a number of unavoidable features. Although there are different methods to lose weight fast, 80% of your results (most likely more) will come from the fundamentals. These are the same things that any fitness/weight lost enthusiast repeatedly say, exercise and diet well. However if you're looking for that additional feature that could give an edge to your weight loss, you've come to the right place.
1. Drink water instead of flavored beverages and alcohol
Water is a miraculous health drink by modern standards. Alcohol and soda beverages are full of empty calories and carbohydrates that bloat your belly and make you fat. Water on the other hand will only quench your thirst and leave you without any additional calories. It also has no added salt where as a beverage like coke has a lot of it. It makes you very thirsty and causes you to drink more which bloats your body with water weight and more empty calories which will contribute to more weight gain.
This is why you should drink water to lose weight.
2. Understand portion sizes
Although portion sizes vary for everyone, typically meat or fish should be the size of a deck of cards for woman and any other meal should be about the size of the palm of your hand.
If this is an over or underestimation for yourself, your body will tell you with its hunger levels and if you're getting too full, it's too much.
3. Eat slowly
Your body doesn't register that its 'full' for at least 20 minutes so if you eat to fast, there's a chance you can overeat. It could possibly be true that you can eat five birthday cakes and as long it's done under 20 minutes, you won't feel full. Not precisely accurate, but you get the general idea. Eat slower, you feel fuller quicker, you eat less and you lose weight.
4. Eat properly, and then treat yourself
Only eat desert or whatever treat you had in mind after you eat a hearty meal. Main reason being that when you're full, you'll eat less or even better; skip desert. In addition, if you do eat the desert, usually your blood sugar levels would spike hard but eating a wholesome meal (assuming it is fibrous and full of complex carbohydrates) before hand will mitigate this affect sugar has on your blood sugar levels.
5. Having trouble with junk food? Just don't buy it!
Defiantly a highly valuable piece of advice- if it's not in your pantry, you won't eat it.
6. Schedule your meals
If you eat at the same time everyday, your body will eventually train itself to know when to expect food. This will get rid of unnecessary cravings, emotional eating and snacking off schedule.
7. Carry around a healthy snack
When hunger strikes; the banana in your pocket saves the day from the allure of sweet, refined, processed junk food.
8. Don't skip breakfast
A bowl of vegetables, eggs, or oats will give you the energy required and help you not have an inevitable sugar low that will make you want to eat an easy sugar hit. Studies reveal that skipping breakfast can be detrimental to having fast weight loss. After all, putting your body in hunger mode by skipping breakfast no doubt makes it harder to commit to important tasks related to weight loss, like exercising and not eating refined carbohydrates (which give a quick instant relief for hunger pangs).
9. Eat five meals instead of three
Rather than gorge on 3 meals a day, how about spreading out the calorie intake to 5 separate meals a day. The more often you eat, the less hungry you feel and the fewer things you will eat as a result. It also increases your levels of metabolism which is vital for losing weight fast.
10. Don't starve yourself
Your body goes into survival mode whenever you starve yourself. Fasting is fine, but when you start to starve yourself, you are doing a great detriment to your internal bodily functions. Back in Neolithic times, the way the body of a caveman's body reacts is the same as ours does when it gets hungry. If the caveman gets hungry, it means there's a lack of food and he will die soon as a result. His body then goes to survival mode and preserves stores of fat to ensure bodily functions continue to operate. As such if we starved our self, the fat we are trying to burn off will be as stubborn as ever.
You're just going to keep on the weight and most important, any food you eat is going to be stored as more fat because your body is trying to store fat to survive due to 'harsh conditions'.
Al Commings is a weight loss blogger and bodybuilding enthusiast. Here is another informative article regarding safe and affective weight loss.
If you're serious about weight loss, has dozens of free articles that discuss weight loss and a variety of other health related topics.
Good luck on your weight loss journey!
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