Losing Tummy Fat - Burn Off Your Fat Tummy Forever

Statistics tell us that excess tummy fat affects a large proportion of the population. What concerns the medical profession though is the common theme that people are more concerned that their extra abdominal fat makes them look awful and bemoan the fact that their clothes are ill fitting.
They are overlooking the vitally important fact that excess tummy fat is a danger to health a fact backed up time and time again by medical research. Yes it is important to look and feel good but losing tummy fat must be a priority to ensure your good health, the good looking, lean body will follow, believe me.
So to begin losing tummy fat you immediately forget all the gimmicks and gimmicky solutions, there is absolutely NO quick fix solution. Ignore claims that pills and supplements help you lose your abdominal fat, and ignore the claims of the so called "miracle" fat loss products?
Also be aware of the claims that ab rockers and belts will burn off your fat tummy, it simply doesn't work that way.
The time proven solution for consistently losing tummy fat is to combine a well balanced diet (absolutely no processed foods) with a properly designed exercise program. The correct balance of food consumption and well designed training is essential to your success.
For your food intake it is important that your diet is as natural and unprocessed as possible. For example eat whole grains instead of refined, omit refined sugar as you can get natural sources of sugar from a high nutrient whole food like fruit. Leave out of your diet highly processed, refined, and hydrogenated vegetable oils (these are THE worst thing in the modern diet), instead include natural sources of healthy fats like nuts, avocados, fish, eggs, coconut milk, and organically raised meat.
Avoid Processed Foods this should become your daily mantra.
Remember balance is the keyword as our bodies need all the macro nutrients to thrive you must ensure a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Never cut out an entire food group as some diets advise, this is contrary to what the body needs to function efficiently.
Whilst all forms of exercise are generally good for our bodies, there are programs specifically designed for losing tummy fat which combine high intensity resistance training into full body routines providing an effective "cardio" workout. However, if you cannot get to the gym a brisk walk, some cycling and good old fashioned sit ups at home are great substitutes. It is important that you adopt a regular exercise routine and as often as possible ensure you perform an intensive a workout as you can manage if you are to keep losing tummy fat.
Sometimes the progress can be slow so please do not give up, combining a regular and effective exercise routine with a well balanced diet will definitely help you with your quest of losing tummy fat.
You must burn off your fat tummy forever because not only is it ugly, but most importantly dangerous
Please remember you must always consult with your doctor or health professional before undertaking any fitness regime.
Thank you for taking time to read this article I wish you long lasting health.
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For regular health, fitness and great weight loss tips and articles take a look at my Lose Fat Tummy site today.
Please note. You must always consult with your doctor or health professional before undertaking any diet or fitness regime. Here's to you being lean, strong, and healthy for life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russ_Turner

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