How Can You Benefit from Using Apple Cider Vinegar?

By Elias Erlewine

As a natural remedy, apple cider vinegar has many uses. In the 1950s, apple cider vinegar was the topic of a number of books written by a country doctor, D.C. Jarvis. These books helped make the natural remedy popular. But this remedy has a rather long history. In fact, it was extensively used in ancient times. We'll take a look at a few of the health benefits that can be derived from apple cider vinegar.

Do you suffer from heartburn, or perhaps indigestion? Apple cider vinegar is a great preventative for these discomforts. There are a couple of ways to use ACV for this purpose. Did you eat something that gave you a raging case of heartburn or indigestion. You can get rid of it easily by drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. ACV has natural antibiotic qualities, which also makes it an effective remedy if you have a mild case of food poisoning. As a preventative to stomach problems, if you know you will be eating something that might cause a problem, follow the procedure below. Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of ACV ahead of time. This is a great remedy!

Rashes, peeling skin, and incessant itching are all symptoms of athlete's foot. This condition is a result of a fungus you can pick up at places such as public swimming pools and showers. It can be a challenge clearing it up. You must treat athlete's foot in a timely manner in order to prevent it from attacking other regions of your body. Be aware also, that athlete's foot is very contagious. You can even spread it to other people who come in contact with the clothing you wear, such as your socks.

There is help at hand, however. ACV has been proven to be one of the most effective natural products for treating, and eliminating, athlete's foot. This substance is a natural enemy to the fungus that causes this condition. Simply pour the apple cider vinegar on the area of your foot that has athlete's foot and allow it to dry. A few minutes later, you can rinse it off and dry your foot completely. You may have to continue this treatment for a week or longer before you start to see improvements, but it is usually effective.

Did you know that using ACV in your bath can be beneficial? Your skin can benefit from the nutrients in apple cider vinegar, so try mixing in a small amount of this natural remedy in your bath water. It will also eliminate any disease causing bacteria so you can avoid developing skin conditions. Not only that, but it also helps remove any toxic residues from strong soaps or skin cleansers you might be using. It can also promote healthy hair. After shampooing, apply some apple cider vinegar on your hair and then rinse out. If you have sunburn, add an entire cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath and you'll find that your skin heals faster.

There are many good reasons to include apple cider vinegar in your diet or take it as a supplement. It's external uses are also numerous. Besides athlete's foot, it can clear up many other skin conditions such as varicose veins and age spots. ACV is a natural remedy that can be used to treat a long list of health issues. It should be a staple product in the cupboard of every home.

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