Beginner Weight Loss Workout

By Linda Ray

Careful planning and a slow steady pace are the best ways to begin a weight loss workout program, report doctors at the Mayo Clinic. A beginner weight loss workout should be built to last so you can maintain your weight once you reach your goal. In addition to helping you lose weight, working out can help lower blood pressure, improve balance and coordination and help you look better and feel better about yourself.

Step 1

Stretch before and after you exercise. Your muscles will tend to become tight and tense, especially if they haven't been used in a while. Make stretches slow and prolonged. Hold a stretch for a count of 20 to get the maximum benefit. Never bounce when stretching. Breathe slowly in and out while stretching your back, arms and legs. Feel tension when you stretch, but stop before you feel pain.
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Step 2

Find an aerobic exercise to include in your workout. Aerobic exercise is how you burn calories. Mayo Clinic doctors recommend regular, moderately intense aerobic workouts to use the most oxygen and burn calories without causing injury or burnout. Excellent aerobic workouts include walking, running, cycling and swimming. Aerobics classes and the use of fitness equipment such as elliptical trainers and treadmills are other great ways to reach aerobic calorie-burning levels. Participate in an aerobic activity three to five days a week.

Step 3

Test yourself as you work out to make sure you are burning calories. If you are at a good moderate intensity, you should be able to talk in short sentences but not be able to sing. Your heart should be beating faster and you should develop a light sheen of sweat. Your muscles should feel slightly strained.

Step 4

Include some form of strength training in your beginner workout. Muscles burn calories even when you're not exercising, so you want to include some weightlifting to build up your muscles. Weight training also can help you tone areas that were flabby before you started your program. Start with light hand and ankle weights, and add weight as you get stronger. Strength training can effectively build muscles to help lose weight when done an average of three times a week.

Tips and Warnings
Consider your likes and dislikes when setting up a weight loss workout. For example, ff you hate going to a gym and working out with other people, plan a home exercise routine or a solo running time. Don't sabotage your long-range workout plans by getting involved in something you know you won't stick with.
Time your meals around your workout sessions. Wait at least three to four hours after eating a big meal to work out so as not to get cramps or an upset stomach. Don't skip meals; low blood sugar can cause you to feel weak and lose your coordination, which can lead to injury.

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