How to Stay Motivated When Trying to Lose Weight

Trying to lose weight is not just a physical process but an emotional one as well. Staying motivated is a true challenge and one which a lot of people have trouble with. If you too feel like it's hard to stay motivated while trying to lose weight read this article all the way through. I will share some killer tips to help you keep your focus and motivation high. Don't worry, it's entirely within your power to do this right.
Here are the tips:
1. Set short term goals - This is key to your success. Setting long term goals just makes it harder to actually achieve them. Or it takes too long to get the approval of actually succeeding. Short term goals are usually more realistic and achieving them can provide a massive motivation boost that can last you for a long long while.
2. Avoid negative people - While you can't lose friends over trying to lose weight, you should avoid as much as possible people who tend to be negative or unsupportive of your efforts. You don't need anyone who gets you down. It is simply not worth the heartache. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and it will be much easier to lose weight and keep it off for years to come.
3. Don't judge your progress by that of other people. No one is the same as the next person and there will always be someone who loses weight faster than you do. You are in a race with no one. Your only focus should be on yourself. Getting involved in comparisons is a way to demolish any motivation you have left.
4. Do a program with Cheat Days - Staying motivated while trying to lose weight is hard because you can't eat what you want. There are diet plans, good ones, that allow you to have the occasional cheat day in which you can eat what you want, say once a week or even once every two days. This does require you to be on a strict plan for some days but you get time off from the diet to enjoy the food that you love. This has to be done in moderation, of course, but it can help you stick to your program for as long as you need to.
5. Above all, don't weigh yourself every day. This will lead to disappointment as it's impossible to lose weight every single day. Weigh yourself once a week, two weeks, or even a month to get a true picture of what your progress is really like.
For a diet plan that allows you to have lots of cheat days visit Every Other Day Diet Review
For reivews of diet plans, good and bad, visit
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
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